Published On: Sat, Dec 24th, 2022

The Sun is dead, long live the Sun

While you are sucking the bones of the sacrificial animal, amongst the temple grove you have erected inside your humble, much less than palatial dwelling, be glad: the Sun is not dead. The order of the heavens has been restored, and so will the order on the earth be maintained.

Your god, Charles III, as an iteration of Elizabeth II (as an iteration of the others who went before her), is in his place.

You are in yours.

All is as it was (at least, ever since the Victorian ancestors of the current ruling class cancelled the Renaissance) and all is as it is ever going to be.

Merry Horusfest.


Also see:

How About Boycotting Horusfest Until All Of Babylon’s Kings, Priests And Servants Have Been Suitably Punished? (link)

The Greatest Lie Ever Told: Mystery School Christianity (link)

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