Published On: Fri, Oct 5th, 2018

Conspiracy theorists: busted pending the arrival of the light of the Establishment’s truth

A book about Bill Cooper was published in September, and for a little while it prompted some smearing in the corporate-media. Not being here to advertise what is likely an operation in disinformation (naturally, no money has been spent to obtain this object), this article is about examining the treatment of the subject matter in corporate-media book reviews. Someone by the name of Ron Rosenbaum wrote for Esquire, and the headline announced that “Milton William Cooper was the Godfather of fake news”. Of course, the term “fake news” has become as meaningless as the word “racist”, and in an exponentially shorter time. However, it indicates perfectly what someone looking to reinforce the Establishment perspective would be bringing to a piece about Cooper. As such, the subtitle doesn’t disappoint: “A distressingly timely new book takes conspiracy theorists seriously—even if one finds their ideas impossible to believe.”

Of course, the double-think being asked of the Esquire audience is remarkable, if nothing new; no doubt the cognitive dissonance is at such a rate in faithful corporate-media audiences that it is an easy request to make. If conspiracy theories are impossible, why take them seriously? It’s a good question: why does the corporate-media spend so much time taking them seriously? Because it’s a matter of life and death – that’s all. Conspiracy facts drive a wrecking ball through the engineered incidents in a Hegelian Dialectic paradigm by which Government pushes its social control grid agenda. Conspiracy facts restructure and newly account for the past so that today’s Government doesn’t have the legitimacy it claims for itself.

A brief inspection of Rosenbaum’s piece is enough to declare it not worthy of being taken seriously itself: it doesn’t mention Masonry. It does, however, compare Cooper with Jones, after denouncing the latter for Pizzagate – in itself, a Government exercise for introducing new controlled alternative media. Rosenbaum: “William Cooper [was the]… Alex Jones before Alex Jones” – we’ll return to this idea later, suffice to say that it is meant to be as much a slur as blaming Cooper [indirectly] for the Oklahoma City bombing (and in order to do that, one has to know that one’s audience is invested in the big lie that one truck full of fertilizer parked on the street can slice open a building exactly as if charges were attached to the interior supporting structure).

Speaking of which, Rosenbaum is another one of those Establishment hacks that recommends fighting conspiracy “falsehood” with “truth” – yes indeed, that light of the Establishment’s truth would disinfect like sunlight, would it ever turn up. It is always something about to appear, because it doesn’t exist. So Rosenbaum’s objection to Cooper boils down to an appeal to authority: the Government wouldn’t lie to you because it’s the Government. It is gaslighting, pure and simple.

Closer to home, a Telegraph minion also did a review: Tim Stanley. His was made into a “premium” piece, so only those dumb enough to pay to read the Telegraph can look at it. That being said, the lines at the top of the article – those that do appear visible to a non-subscriber – are enough to appreciate the flavour.

Milton William Cooper predicted 9/11. On June 28, 2001, the conspiracy theorist told listeners to his broadcast Hour of the Time that Osama bin Laden was about to be blamed for “a major attack” on a large city.

Cooper was easy to dismiss: he had also told the world that Eisenhower signed a peace treaty with aliens and JFK was shot by the Secret Service.

He was 58, drunk and living alone up a hill in Arizona.

Cooper, actually, presented information about aliens as it came across his desk in Naval Intelligence, and primarily in his book, “Behold a Pale Horse”. To be honest, it does make difficult reading for all the nonsense in it. One wonders if Cooper used the particular information to make a name in the field: in the history of revealing and concealing State crime and terrible secrets, the crazy fringe has always been a useful tool for creating deniability (as discussed at FBEL previously). In any case, by the time he was presenting the radio show, the Hour of the Time, Cooper had decided that ufology was disinformation to hide advanced military programmes. Incidentally, the author does not agree about the details, and thinks that US armed forces have used smoke and mirrors to suggest a weapons race advantage. However, appreciating ufos as US Government disinformation is entirely complimentary to, and rather important for understanding the wider programme for domination (see here for a selection of related FBEL articles), so in the end it is not a subject to be ridiculed automatically.

Nevertheless, as we see, Stanley throws aliens together with the shooting of JFK – this would be writing to discredit (straight out of the Cambridge University textbook for journalists/intelligence agents?). On one hand, what is presented as the goofy stuff that makes Cooper look like a whackjob is attached to a statement that a lot of people can identify with; for Stanley, then, and for the tutoring of his readership, Lee Harvey Oswald done it, or else you also believe in peace treaties with space aliens. The tactic to disparage is obvious, but it works because the readership is simple-minded, and is dazzled by the voice of authority that comes from the prestige of Stanley’s writing environment – for which Timothy Randolph can ultimately thank Mater and Pater, perhaps? Teaching posts, doctorates, associate memberships, contributions to “illustrious” titles; when it all boils down to being a New World Order propagandist, and a loathsome minion, as Stanley clearly is, the British Establishment’s upper tiers, for a self-respecting human being, are not worth the reaching – in fact, they are as desirable as contracting a hideous disease.

Naturally, later in his piece, Stanley has to admit Cooper’s eventual position regarding extra-terrestrials, because persistence with a lie that is easily disproved leads to one’s own discrediting – this much must be understood. Of course, the detail in the body can’t undo the impact of the misrepresenting opening lines of a piece of writing. An explanation is required: the author has seen the entire content of Stanley’s piece because it was published in full on a free-to-view UK “conspiracy theorist” website that likes to categorise Masonry as something wholly emanating from Judaism (no links to that rubbish); thus it was highly suspect even before it could apparently reproduce Telegraph premium content with impunity.

Unsurprisingly, Stanley links Cooper to neo-Nazis via the “anti-government” militia – these two associated in Stanley’s writing by placement together in a sentence; it really is a simple as that to demonise. As a matter of fact, Cooper had little time for racists. He was involved deeply in the militia as it was dedicated to its true purpose, but even to an observer on the other side of the pond (and also distanced by time), this organisation appears to have been systematically infiltrated, hollowed out and demonised by engineered association starting with efforts by US Government at the time of the Clinton administration: the Elohim City white supremacists, Timothy McVey and the OKC bombing were only a small part in a bigger operation to do this. For his replacing of Cooper, and a switching out of the message of self-empowerment in favour of the inculcation of widespread learned helplessness, Alex Jones can be characterised as part of the same scheme.

Stanley also tells of how Cooper’s so-called biographer describes Cooper’s death as “suicide by cop”, and himself repeats the lie that police stormed Cooper’s ranch in respect of Cooper’s tax evasion. According to Doyel Shamley, an assistant on the Hour of the Time, Cooper was ambushed when he thought he was running some trespassers off his property; he was shot dead by personnel of the Apache County Sheriff’s department when returning to the house to telephone the police (presumably the Eagar department). As for the tax evasion, the Hour of the Time website can take up the telling:

After years of filing FOIA requests and researching the IRS William Cooper brought suit against the IRS in Federal District Court in Phoenix Arizona to force the IRS to produce proof of jurisdiction and delegation of authority which the IRS was unable to do. To short circuit Mr. Cooper’s attempt to reveal the true nature of the criminal IRS, and to carry out the orders of the White House, the agency lied to a Grand Jury, not allowing William Cooper to testify, and secured indictments against Mr. Cooper and his wife Annie. This ploy successfully stopped Mr. Cooper from continuing his suit against the criminal IRS for fear of being arrested.

Cooper also had to send his wife (and children) out of the country so that she could not be used as leverage against him. Of course, when Stanley writes “He was 58, drunk and living alone up a hill in Arizona”, he wants to paint Cooper in those all-important opening moments of his article as a loser; as always, the Establishment’s light of truth reveals why most of the time it has to be pending.

As a matter of fact, the Cooper-as-a-drunk slur had been levelled at him for most of his radio career – as the 575th edition of the Hour of the Time reveals:

Indeed, it continued long after Cooper’s death; it was something the author heard Alex Jones repeat on his programme – what else to expect from that creature. Unfortunately for Jones, Cooper had executed a pre-emptive strike years before, calling the snake-oil salesman a “bold-faced stinking little coward liar” in response to Jones’ claim that Cooper had used foul language while a guest on Jones’ radio show, prompting the latter’s being thrown off the programme. Cooper recalled his appearance rather differently – as the reader can hear for himself:

It is, perhaps, not a coincidence that at the same time as Cooper’s career is now being raked over, and portrayed as that belonging to a delusional, ignorant failure, Jones is getting a helping hand from social media platforms, in the shape of his expulsion from them, in his reinvigoration as the main figure for anti-Establishment resistance; FBEL covered the topic generally here. In another place at FBEL, Jones’ role was described as being the “Demented Maria” version of Cooper; this is important for understanding the nature of the overlap of events:

The reader might have seen a film called “Metropolis” where a mediator between a rebellious underclass and ruling upper class, Maria, is replaced by a synthetic version – a robot – that is made to look identical to her. This robot then proceeds to whip up crowds, whose faith in “Maria” had been nurtured by the real incarnation, during demented performances. The robot’s objective is to provoke the masses into making themselves criminally liable for draconian State retribution. This basically describes the relationship between Alex Jones – the demented Maria – and William Cooper (although Cooper was not a mediator looking to come to terms with an opponent – a Luciferian concept, by the way – he was a leader of the real opposition to government, “we the people”).

It’s completely too convenient that at this time in the struggle to expose Masonic Anglo-globalist Government, the self-same body-swapping dynamic is being reiterated where the weapon that could cause all the damage (still threatening after being nearly 20 years dead) is quietly denigrated for the discouragement of those who might stumble across it and so begin a journey, and the fake gun is being held up into the glare of world-wide publicity so as to collect those, old and new, who require a different explanation from the one provided by Government, and as such need to be gate-kept on the plantation.

Of course, to Stanley, this exercise in control would be too much like an expression of the impossible conspiracy theory, made so because of human flaws. He writes:

Were the world a conspiracy, it might be run better. It’s not. The only real conspiracy is what Jonathan Swift called “a confederacy of dunces”, the cack-handed men and women who undermine Brexit, peace or the economy rarely through design and mostly by just being over-promoted idiots.

What’s the saying? The greatest deception the devil plays is convincing folk he doesn’t exist. In Britain, where one extended family has cornered power for a thousand years, it is ludicrous to say that an elite doesn’t engineer society to benefit its continued domination. In a system that wasn’t controlled in a way that privilege-by-birth does not have to compete with merit-despite-station, the over-promoted idiots (and if Stanley isn’t talking about himself, then he must be referring to Hugo Rifkind) would be sweeping streets. Moreover, the engineering that produced the control would have to be secret, or obscured so as to not upset those who would deem it an injustice: it would be a conspiracy to control.

Stanley attributes to Cooper a “unified theory of conspiracies” which appeals to a need to understand that which is accidental as having purpose – although of course he doesn’t mention Masonry, helping hands up the greasy-pole, or explain the meaning of the term “Illuminati” beyond “the people who sweep everything under the carpet” – presumably in the hope of its being received as a Icke-an buzz word. Of course, Stanley wouldn’t be interested in revealing that in fact at the heart of what Cooper presented (he didn’t teach, he let his audience have the data) is a concept that really does explain everything: an elite who believe in their right to rule based on their having found god-hood, or so they believe, through mumbo-jumbo that has convinced many generations of psychopaths in the same way since ancient times, and therefore their “technocratic” superiority over the masses who cannot but be victims of fate (thus demonstrating their weakness, and fitness to be dominated). It’s only the masses who succumb to Stanley’s chaos and accident – although there is never any of that. Indeed, everything is designed in accordance with the duty of the elite, which is to beautify the universe (having inherited its power to shape destiny) – which means living off the sweat of those whose own duty is to do the heavy lifting (it’s for the sake of the glory of the Cosmic Mind – with which the elite are as one).

Unfortunately for Stanley, and anyone else who wants to denigrate the value of having this knowledge about the perpetual ruling class, and the necessary socialism to ensure its existence, and to extinguish lethal competition, it’s not Cooper’s idea. It’s in the books written by Freemasons, and it’s in ancient literature – all of which Cooper informed his audience of. Stanley’s piece was titled “The Cult of William Cooper”, but there is nothing cultic at looking at and appraising data. Hence the name-calling, because there’s cause for deep-seated concern aplenty if the masses can discover, individually on their own, that they have been defrauded out of material and spiritual health and wealth by a cadre of degenerates. The data is just there for the finding, and when it is found, the truth is really out, and it’s got nothing to do with the Establishment’s always imminent light-shining.

Please note, the feature image attached to this article is from the Esquire piece mentioned herein – obviously it is published here in aid of the literary analysis.

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