Published On: Tue, May 2nd, 2023

The Coronation (featuring Mi7’s Winnie the Pooh), and British Israelism (the bane of the world) and Victorian Medievalism (that still ruins our lives)

With all the anticipated violent and passionate, fit-for-a-tin-pot-dictatorship devotional “hurrah-ing” and “hallelujah-ing” by the public to happen next Saturday, what with the demographic most likely to be participating being the same most likely to be well dosed with “vaccine”, perhaps we should expect the installation of the latest City of London figurehead – i.e. the “Coronation” – to be accompanied by lots of clutching at seizures in the chest or aneurisms in the head, and a multitude of cases of “died suddenly”.

It’s not beyond the bounds of possibility, and would be suitably Biblical – not that any of the Christian Churches of the UK (which have nothing to do with Yeshua) would see any significance in it.

Anyway, the point being that details have this last weekend been released concerning the proceedings of the said installation, in which much ritual and rigmarole evidencing the utter unmitigated barminess of the ruling class of the United Kingdom is revealed, and it is the purpose of this article to discuss them in terms of their real meaning.

There would be a significant loss of message in the conveyance of this information, especially with the planned liturgy,  if it were paraphrased, and so here is what is perhaps the most pertinent content reproduced to a degree of fullness as first presented by Britain’s foremost corporate-media, ITV and the BBC:

Millions watching the coronation around the world are to be asked to cry out and swear allegiance to the King, with the public given an active role in the ancient ceremony for the first time in history.

King Charles III’s coronation has been modernised to include the first ever Homage of the People.

Lambeth Palace said it was hoped the significant change to the historic service will result in a “great cry around the nation and around the world of support for the King” from those watching on television, online or gathered in the open air at big screens…

The new Homage of the People was introduced to allow “a chorus of millions of voices” to be “enabled for the first time in history to participate in this solemn and joyful moment”, Lambeth Palace said.

The Archbishop will call upon “all persons of goodwill in The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the other Realms and the Territories to make their homage, in heart and voice, to their undoubted King, defender of all”.


In a coronation full of firsts, female clergy will play a prominent role, and the King himself will pray out loud.

The Christian service will also see religious leaders from other faiths have an active part for the first time.

The Coronation on Saturday will be the first to incorporate other languages spoken in Britain, with a hymn set to be sung in Welsh, Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic…

The order of service will read: “All who so desire, in the Abbey, and elsewhere, say together: I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”

It will be followed by the playing of a fanfare.

The Archbishop of Canterbury will then proclaim “God save the King”, with all asked to respond: “God save King Charles. Long live King Charles. May the King live forever.”


The King has chosen to be anointed out of the eye of the public during the coronation behind a specially designed screen.

The anointment by the Archbishop of Canterbury during the coronation is considered the most sacred part of the ceremony and has been a deeply personal moment for previous monarchs.

Queen Elizabeth used just a canopy during her 1953 coronation but Charles has opted for more seclusion behind a central decorated screen, with further screens on either end that will enclose the King on three sides.

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As hinted by the title, any discussion of the meaning of the “Coronation” initiation (for that is what it is) must incorporate Victorian Medievalism – indeed, it must be self evident that there would need to be a fathoming of what is arcane in the ritual, even if one doesn’t understand that the Victorians are to blame for it. And if the reader doesn’t do this, then the following extract from the Wikipedia entry on the history of the coronations of English kings will give a flavour (ahead of an explanation):

William IV had to be persuaded to be crowned at all; his coronation at a time of economic depression in 1831 cost only one sixth of that spent on the previous event… The king merely wore his robes over his uniform as Admiral of the Fleet..

When Victoria was crowned in 1838, the service followed the pared-down precedent set by her uncle, and the under-rehearsed ceremonial was marred by mistakes and accidents…

In the 20th century, liturgical scholars sought to restore the spiritual meaning of the ceremony by rearranging elements with reference to the medieval texts, creating a “complex marriage of innovation and tradition”… [There was] greatly increased pageantry of the state processions.

Although the account of William IV’s coronation ceremony gives the impression that a smaller inexpensive scale was somehow inevitable, it should be pointed out that the state of a country’s economy is never a deterrence to any despot who wants to impress his subjects with his power. The fact of the matter is that William IV was merely being responsive to the mood and especially the culture, which had developed so that Britons didn’t think there was a special distinction between themselves and royalty so that the King deserved mystical elevation.

Georgian gentrification of the 18th and early 19th century, and the scale of it, is an inconvenient truth in British history from the perspective of the cultural revolution – a Victorian legacy – that has since happened. The word “gentrification” has even been maligned by having been given a meaning that suggests the further impoverishment of the poor, when actually it involved upward mobility for all through individual effort in common. In fact, it was merely a continuation of the Renaissance idea of politia, where an individual could demonstrate class through investment of assets and public demeanour – all to the common good. At the collective level, a body of individuals being proud of their city or town in common could create an environment by which there could be further opportunity (for any to whom it opened) and aggrandisement.  At the heart of the concept was people – whatever element of the public that cared to – being fit to govern, and their being seen to be fit to govern,  and of course it came from Italian republicanism, and in Britain signified the republic that the country actually was. It is the ultimate reason why every British town made itself into its own version of Venice through the building of “palazzos” as private homes – size wasn’t an issue as much as demonstration of concept.

And so the conditions were made so that there came to be an understanding in Georgian British culture that anyone could be considered a gentleman if he looked and acted like one – in his property and person.  It was considered impolite – in a society where politeness was the be all and end all – for a person superior in rank to treat another as inferior if there was the observance in the latter of a certain level of polite and genteel lifestyle. In this way, a course tradesman who had earned enough by their labour to become educated, let alone landed or even titled, had every right and opportunity to hold his own even with the King in society. Upward mobility was a thing in the Georgian era that we can’t match in this day and age because of the cancellation since of the necessary Renaissance culture.

The extract above hints at the change that had happened through the Victorian period: in the coronations of the 20th century there was new attempt to appeal to authority through mystification and pomp and circumstance – a return to a Medieval sensibility. The British population had been made suitably susceptible – as has been explained before at this site, so please consult the articles listed below if more illustration is required than the exhibition to be had from the reader’s participation in the following exercise. The first quote below is the punchy, opening paragraph of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice that is socio-commerce aware appropriate to the fictional history to follow, and also germ of the soon-to-come humorous exchange between key characters, thus establishing them rapidly. It was published in 1813.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

The next example is the woolly (incontinent) opening paragraph of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, published in 1847, that uses inner life projected onto the outer in order to drum up sympathy, or even pity for the titular character.

There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early) the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre, and a rain so penetrating, that further out-door exercise was now out of the question.

An aspect of Victorian Medievalism is indeed the  Gothicism in art and architecture by and for the runny-brained. A universal feature is indeed the affectation to manipulate (and to make stupid) , but centrally, it is whatever can be done to separate the masses from an (always) uncompetitive elite: to have the administration of society as it was when there was nobility and peasantry, and no facility for the latter to become the former. Reintroducing actual Medieval habit and custom would therefore be a methodology, and a degeneration to Catholic tendency in the Church during the Victorian period can be supposed to be the explanation for the mystification of post-Victorian coronation ceremonies as detailed above.

*             *             *             *             *

The Hocus Pocus of the initiation of the English King is literally Byzantine, and that’s why The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who will officiate said of the anointing oil that is used in ways about to be discussed, and has been especially concocted in Jerusalem in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre,  that it demonstrated

the deep historic link between the Coronation, the Bible and the Holy Land. From ancient kings through to the present day, monarchs have been anointed with oil from this sacred place.

The coronation ceremony of the Emperors of the Eastern division of Rome was about conferring holiness upon them. Likewise, the Frankish Holy Roman Emperor was recognised by the Pope as the legitimate successor of the rulers of imperial Rome, and was also another candidate for being “God’s representative on earth”. It is from the coronations of the Frankish kings, themselves seemingly taken from the Byzantine ones, that the crowning of the British King appears to originate – and a thread through all is the anointment. The genesis of this act is to be found in the Old Testament, and with the anointment of the kings of Israel and Judea, specifically Solomon and David.

To cut a long story short, the British rite draws on Biblical legend to suggest a priestly-king status for the King of England in the style of David, and this is much more than making a claim to be a representative of God on earth – which is always code for claiming to be as especial as God. It’s about claiming to be a Davidic Messiah (“the anointed one”) – a King of Israel, an immortal, a god on earth, and in fact the ruler of the world.  Because this story has been cut short, the time will only be taken to draw attention to the fact of how the holy oil from Jerusalem – originally used to consecrate the articles of the Tabernacle and in the ordination of the priesthood – is painted on the king in a kind of Holy of Holies constructed in Westminster Abbey, carried by Knights of the Order of the Garter, a 14th century reinvention of the Knights of the Round Table with all that Holy Grail – bloodline of David – baggage.

Then there is the Stone of Scone, which is a baetylus temple because it is claimed to be the stone that Jacob set up at Bethel, or “House of God”. With it being part of the throne upon which the king is consecrated in the Holy of Holies, is therefore the seat of God.

Then there is the liturgical detail when the congregation is invited to proclaim King Charles’ immortality.

If it were just that the author was seeing things which weren’t really there, then that would be one thing, but a notion that the kings of England are descended from the kings of Israel, and David incarnate, is one that is well documented, and understood to be a phenomenon for about 500 years, and one that all those kings in the intervening period – it is generally thought – have been more than mindfully aware of.

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British Israelism is the notion that the peoples of Britain and North America are descended from the “lost tribes of Israel”. It’s nonsense, of course, and in the editions of Hour of the Time that are published at the foot of the page, William Cooper explains why. Here is to be found, also, an explanation of British Israelism fuller than is going to be spared on one here (the reader can also perform some independent research).

The aspect of British Israelism most pertinent to this essay is how the kings of Scotland, through the migration of the lost tribes to the British Isles, and later the kings of England and then Britain, were therefore decedents in the line of David (Scotland has had its kings thus named) and were due the blessings promised by God via the birthright of Jacob. Here is where the Stone of Scone fits into the scheme again – its presence in Scotland supposedly evidence of the migration that carried it with it.

It’s tempting to say that British Israelism was a Victorian invention because of how it starts to receive serious attention at that time, but given that it gave rise to American Christian Identity, and one suspects the whole notion of exceptionalism that has existed since the USA was birthed, one could suggest that British Israelism started off as a Protestant rationalisation of the meaning of the Catholic initiation rites for British kings. Notably appears to have been a fetish of James I, the first King, and protestant one, of a personal union between Scotland and England. That it could figure in the imaginations of all involved in any coronation ceremony since and including James’ in 1603, becoming more seriously influential by the time of the Victorian era, when there was a movement of organised British Israelist societies, appears to be quite possible, according to the following (via the Wikipedia entry on British Israelism):

The extent to which the British clergy became aware of the existence of the movement may be gauged by the comment which Cardinal John Henry Newman (1801–1890) made when he was asked why he had left the Church of England in 1845 in order to join the Roman Catholic Church. He said that there was a very real danger that the movement “would take over the Church of England.”

Related, of course, is Christian Zionism, which again very much comes out of Protestantism and makes an appearance around about the same time (so that Zionism that is realised with the modern state of Israel always has been a Christian powered phenomenon†). It was the belief that the Jews should return to the Holy Land, and there be converted to Christianity, after which there could be the second coming of Christ, and the One World Government on a specific sort of Christian terms (with Anglicised Jerusalem, presumably, providing a proof of British Israelism). Although there was a long and real history of action towards the realisation of the goals of Christian Zionism before the Victorian era, the explanation appears to be consistent into that time: Medievalism – albeit not in terms of being necessarily desirous of Catholicisation, but in terms of a selective rejection of classicism (the Victorians liked their Spartan schools). The Georgian culture, it appears, with its preference for reason rather than superstition, put the brakes on the progress towards the “end of the world” while it could – and the following extract from Wikipedia is included to show the reader that it’s not just the author saying these things:

With the rise of the Hanoverians to power in Britain and the ascent of the Enlightenment, much of the 18th century mainstream elite adopted Philhellenism, looking back to the culture and philosophies of classical world for inspiration for the Georgian age, rather than entertaining millennialist [second-coming] fantasies based on the Hebrew Old Testament.

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What might strike a reader of the extracts from ITV and the BBC at the top of the page is the announcement of new ways of performing a coronation ceremony in 2023. It might beg the question, how is all the new inclusivity congruous with a Medieval mindset?  This, however, is not to understand.

The explanation will take a roundabout route and start with noting the prominent emblem on the official invitation for the event, shown below.

It shows the cabbage-like head of the Green Man – a symbol that Britons probably never give a second thought about other than it being festive decoration associated with the church because if its oft appearance in its places of worship. However, what people will not know is that this symbol is representative of a state of affairs in Medieval Christianity where Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, and most importantly, Mary, are merely new expressions of old beliefs, and worship of God through this trinity is in fact worship of the same thing that expresses itself through Ra, and the Horus and Osiris aspects of that, as well as Isis. This is the religion of Freemasonry that has always been disguised in Church imagery, that was understood by the people who built the Christian places of worship, who always understood the significance of the Jerusalem Temple-establishing kings of Israel in respect of some future “Great Work” – the World Government – and revealed it in their work. The Medieval priesthood also understood that, as C.S. Lewis put it, Christianity fulfilled paganism, and the Anglican variety presently do, and this is why the Lady Chapel at Chichester Cathedral, which was used as a library by the Georgians and had a fireplace installed in it for comfort, is now rededicated to the Queen of the Heaven. To  indicate the secret that it is Isis in the guise of Mary “the mother of God” who is the object of worship in this place, there is a zodiac around the base of a lectern in the altar area.

The Green Man, getting back to him, is Osiris, who also has green skin – or sometimes black, with both signifying fertility – and who is associated with plant life, and it bursting from him a la the Green Man, because of the way his coffin in the mythology has a tree grow around it. Osiris is resurrected for Isis to conceive Horus, but he is mainly associated with life after death by being the lord of the underworld. He was that aspect of Ra that meant the sun travelled under the land, in this realm of Osiris, and reappeared each morning after its death the previous night as Horus – a resurrection of Osiris at the same time as being the offspring.

Likewise, the ancient Celtic and Gallo-Roman god, Cernnunos, was a force of nature in an annual cycle during which this entity had different aspects.  In summer he was the Green Man, being representative of vibrant growth reaching its zenith. In autumn, in a different form, he began a journey to the underworld.

Now, clearly this is a version of Osiris. Moreover, we can deduce the sun symbolism in the Gawain and the Green Knight Arthurian Round Table legend when the Green Man has three opportunities to lop off Gawain’s head, but never does, and Gawain is no longer in danger as the Green Man plays host to him in his castle at Christmas time. Clearly this story is about Christ’s resurrection, which is about the resurrection of the sun after its “death” in the winter. This site told you, reader, three days after the first winter solstice since the Queen’s death that The Sun Is Dead, Long Live The Sun. The outcome of this reincarnation is being revealed next Saturday in Westminster Abbey.

All this is why it is said at the opening of this piece that Christian Churches don’t have anything to do with Yeshua – they never have. So, it is not some betrayal of a national Christian identity that other faiths are involved in the coronation of the English king: by the designs of the new age religion under whose rites the ceremony is actually performed in, all faiths must come under one jurisdiction with the commonality being that they will receive a Messiah. This is why one can find on the website of Chichester Cathedral an explanation of a bronze “Virgin and Child” sculpture (which is always a version of a Black Madonna, or Isis usually with the child Horus) that  “Christians of many traditions may find a focus [in it] in their search for unity”.  It’s actually talking about spiritual self-help that in fact adherents of any faith (because the Madonna should be alien to Protestants as if they were Muslims) can discover through artefacts of Catholicism – and it sounds loving, but people are being invited to find the new age religion.

Likewise, it doesn’t matter if women officiate at the ceremony because Christianity is a path to something else that doesn’t follow from Temple Judaism where menstruation and therefore the risk of defilement would have been a barrier to there being women priests.

There’s nothing to do with God going on at what is an initiation of Charles Saxe-Coburg-Gotha into Luciferian godhood related to his supposedly being the ruler of the world, with his subjects being asked to  give “great cry” all around that globe. He’s desperately illegitimate – more so than you would have imagined before reading this piece, reader – and he needs all the validation that he can muster.

Finally, a word about Winnie the Pooh, as the title promised. A concert in celebration is to follow Charles’ initiation and the corporate-media put out that “Tom Cruise and Winnie the Pooh” would be appearing at this show as if Winnie the Pooh was as real a person as the Hollywood actor, and not a fictional toy bear. The phenomenon of Mi7 communicating to the British public this way, unabashedly treating the audience as children with never a crinkle in a seriously straight face, was an incredible thing for the author to behold. It felt like the ruling class demonstrating that reality really is anything that The Party (because we do live in Nineteen Eighty Four) cares to invite people to believe. Winnie the Pooh being used in this way is also interesting because that character was an Mi7 project to mollify a country that had suffered slaughter by its (still culturally Victorian) ruling class in World War I. One supposes that implying that Winnie the Pooh would be appearing in person on stage to show and engender support for the new king in dance and song, or in whatever skit it turns out to be (the author will not be watching to find out), is skilful military intelligence craft for maximum manipulation of the sort by now we’ve learnt to expect.


† Also see – Latest Man Of Lawlessness Advances The Luciferian Deception; Enthrals The Betrayed (link)

Prohibition And Covid-19; Part Four: An Historical Context; Social Engineering For Grabbing Power (link)

A Report On The “Report From Iron Mountain” – Introduction (link)

Attorney General Funbags Says: Brawndo’s Got What Plants Crave; Voting Changes Politics For Good (link)

The First World War And The March Of Socialism (link)

The Spartan Tradition & UK Government; Pederasty & Homosexuality As Control Grid (link)

The Freemasonic Olympics Takes Place Nine Years After 2012, But It’s No Moment Of Triumph For Toontown (The City Of London) (link)

Covid-19 As A Modern Day Variant Of An Antique Technocratic Control Device (link)

Citizenship As Cheap As Chips: UK Government’s Stick To Beat Britons Is A Rod For Its Own Back (link)

So, The British Government Is Entirely Corrupt. What Happens Next? (link)

Bill Cooper: “Destiny of America”:

Bill Cooper: “British Israelism 2”:


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