Published On: Fri, Dec 1st, 2017

“Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”, Parts 2 & 3; Trump, Twitter & The Matrix

This is the second article on “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”, and it was promised, in the first of the series, to be about “the use of media for creating diversion and confusion”. How lucky we are, then, to have had a “media meltdown” this week over three Trump tweets; the incident could not have been better timed for an exemplar of the phenomenon ahead of an FBEL article about control of population by the frittering away of energy. And so, before moving on to the planned material, this Trump twitter episode must have something said about it.

We are being asked to believe that the President of the United States just happened to come across the twitter timeline of an agitprop operative from a group that the British Government uses to demonise cogent and reasonable opposition to the EU and unhelpful levels of immigration, and then raided that timeline to retweet videos that a) were meant to incriminate all Muslims by association with the behaviour of the individuals featured in the films, and b) according to corporate-media reports, could not be verified as being authentic? The incident just serves to demonstrate that the office under the President of the United States responsible for his twitter presence is just another psyop-running intelligence agency outpost (in this case, obviously working with an intelligence agency from another country) with a mission to serve up exactly the sort of thing that was written about in “Silent Weapons…”. So, let’s use it as an object lesson: notice, the uproar in the corporate-media and its ancillary social media – designed to agitate everyone in a sweeping spectrum from those who hate brown people, to those who are Trump cultists, and to those who just feel defensive about the right to point out that some Muslims do bad things – all of them are lined up by their unity in reaction to be tarred by the same brush; all of them become fair game in the culture war that the Government wants†.

Diversion, in “Silent Weapons…”, is called the primary strategy for control:

…keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of basic systems principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other.

To recap from Part One, the most basic system principle is that society is like an electronic circuit where population acts as an inductor to guarantee steady return of dollar value for capital, against any fluctuation in the capital input that the ruling class feeds into it. It occurred to the author that the film “The Matrix”, in which population is enslaved to literally provide electrical power, must be based on the concept that features in “Silent Weapons…” Of course, in “The Matrix”, the confusion, disorganisation, and distraction is taken to extreme ends – it is a complete fantasy life.

Below is the Diversion Summary from “Silent Weapons…” reproduced in its entirety showing the requirements for the non-Hollywood real Matrix.

Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.

Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real history.

Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth-grade level.

Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.

It’s all quite self-evident – especially if the reader remembers Luikkerland (this site’s previous form), where the weaponisation of education and media was regularly discussed. An article that touches on the subject of the real purpose of higher education does exist on this platform, and can be found here. As for entertainment, the difference between any British TV show, for instance, from before and after the Great Transformation, begun when the Labour party was the head on the Westminster creature, is as different as chalk and cheese, and the author suggests that to enjoy visual entertainment in the home that isn’t saturated with inculcation, one needs a library of DVD titles that were produced before the mid-1990s.

The entry for “work” really demonstrates that “Silent Weapons…” was written a long time agoǂ; The computer has brought entertainment directly into the workplace, and thus any spare time is frittered away on that. In the updated model, the workplace serves to inculcate social norm behaviour compliance through training courses and work environment culture.

The next element of the “Silent Weapons…” control grid to look at is called “Consent, the Primary Victory”. This is about volunteering data to government via the Inland Revenue Service, which at the time the paper was written appears to have been the primary, if not the only means of data collection required for the silent weapons system that didn’t involve obtaining warrants or spying: “telephone taps, surveillance, analysis of garbage, behaviour of children at school”. As an aside, “Silent Weapons…” has the following to say about what it means for a people to consent to pay income tax:

When the government is able to collect tax and seize private property without just compensation, it is an indication that the public is ripe for surrender and is consenting to enslavement and legal encroachment. A good and easily quantified indicator of harvest time is the number of public citizens who pay income tax despite an obvious lack of reciprocal or honest service from the government.

According to this gauge, the population of the UK, which allows the Government to take tax straight out of wages, is far down the path of enslavement. Here is another indicator: mention is made in “Silent Weapons…” of the future use of Universal Product Codes (bar codes) and credit cards for the computerisation of input data, and its analysis. All now a way of life, all achieved by consent.

This data gathering is related to another part of the silent weapons system called Household Industries – which appears to be referring to the financial activity of households – and understanding them in terms of economic behaviour so that manipulation can take place. It’s about knowing what would happen to a group of people in any given geographic area if they were subjected to an economic variation, and then being able to map the circuit with values accordingly (this makes sense, as the economic inductor is for maintaining steady dollar value for variable capital availability). “Silent Weapons…” lists a raft of what it calls “input data”, and we need to look at a simple example to illustrate.

Advertising (it’s classified as an amplifier in the electronic-economic scheme, but to get into that would be too technical), at its most fundamental level, communicates to a household with input data about brand familiarity and speaks to a primeval trait whereby “you go with what you know”, or, as in the example in “Silent Weapons…” appeals to authority by talking to the consumer as if they were twelve years old (which 1950s commercials did). In a more complex relationship, the advertising will jack in to inputs provided by the data collection to stimulate behaviour. So, more simply put, an advertisement will be tailored according to the system’s knowledge of the target consumer, or household.

Another way of inducing behaviour was “shock testing”. It’s much easier to reproduce the original text than waste time reinventing the wheel.

To use this method of airframe shock testing in economic engineering, the prices of commodities are shocked, and the public consumer reaction is monitored. The resulting echoes of the economic shock are interpreted theoretically by computers and the psycho-economic structure of the economy is thus discovered. It is by this process that partial differential and difference matrices are discovered that define the family household and make possible its evaluation as an economic industry (dissipative consumer structure).

Then the response of the household to future shocks can be predicted and manipulated, and society becomes a well-regulated animal with its reins under the control of a sophisticated computer-regulated social energy bookkeeping system.

More detail appears later in the work, and it is thought provoking:

Not only the prices of commodities, but also the availability of labor can be used as the means of shock testing. Labor strikes deliver excellent tails shocks to an economy, especially in the critical service areas of trucking (transportation), communication, public utilities (energy, water, garbage collection), etc.

By shock testing, it is found that there is a direct relationship between the availability of money flowing in an economy and the psychological outlook and response of masses of people dependent upon that availability. For example, there is a measurable quantitative relationship between the price of gasoline and the probability that a person would experience a headache, feel a need to watch a violent movie, smoke a cigarette, or go to a tavern for a mug of beer.

Anyone reading this should start to wonder about post-50s British history where miners strikes, which brought chaos and dislocation to huge numbers of people, were brought on by the closure of nationalised collieries that might not have been completely necessary (why not just sell them off for pennies on the pound?). Furthermore, there were a series of food scares and outbreaks of disease from the 1980s well into the 2000s whereby people stopped buying a commodity, or were prevented from doing so. Have the British people been comprehensively shock tested? The answer is very probably, yes.

When reading the comments over at Breitbart, for instance, under whatever the latest “Theresa the Appeaser” story de jour, there are all these people who were tricked, again, at the 2015 [that should be 2017, but in the end it doesn’t matter which it is] general election (usually because they always know better, thanks to the BBC and SKY) venting their spleens as they deflect what must be their self-hatred (caused by being tricked, again) away from themselves, and they talk about marching on Parliament – and not even to put things to rights by arresting the criminals who inhabit it (which may well be necessary down the road) but to protest. But then those who are wilfully perpetually dumb will never arrive at the correct solutions.

The answer is to take a universal approach to the problem. We are in Mystery Babylon. We need to exit Mystery Babylon.

It is a solution that can be implemented by individuals and families in their homes, and it only escalates to the streets if the government ever tries to interfere to put a stop to it. It is a solution that involves great dedication, and some sacrifices, and maybe some hardship and discomfort, but at some point people need to stop being children and become fighting adults because there is no other alternative to what is slavery without any hope of escape.

In the previous article in this series, we saw how the population was as an inductor in an electronic circuit. Population is a guarantee of wealth for those who supply the capital against fluctuations in their holdings. So, this must stop; the current must always carry less charge out of the system regardless of the capital input; i.e. the population retains the wealth. In the electronic-economic scheme, “dissipation” is conversion of capital into goods, and a household is a “dissipative consumer structure” – meaning it buys goods. And so, the consumer buying goods provides conductance, or the ability for the current to flow. Restricting spending, then, should lessen “conductivity”.

What does this mean in real terms? It means not spending money back into, nor even keeping it in the system. This needs a proper study, but the following can serve as a brief introduction. What we spend money on can be classified as essentials, luxuries, taxation, charities, and amenity bills (this list is not exhaustive, obviously. Rent/mortgage payments are a complex issue and there is clearly market rigging to keep rents high, and not a lot one can do about it).

Taxation is the easiest to deal with because the objective would be to not pay any taxes at all. However, it is not in fact as easy as all that. There is going to be further investigation into the apparent fact of legal compulsion to pay income tax, or to have it extracted straight from a wage packet, and these findings will be published at a later date. On face value, the Inland Revenue appears to have considerable powers. Councils, on the other hand – and this can be reported as absolute fact – resort to outright fraud to collect Council Tax, which throws doubt over any legal compulsion to pay it. FBEL is in the thick of an investigation at the moment, and will report back on its findings. There are other taxes of course, but we must wait for a fuller study.

Charities: sure there are some worthy causes, but the emphasis must be on you retaining your wealth. Charity begins at home, especially as the larger charitable organisations are clearly scams (an FBEL article on the Trussell Trust in the works, and please see this video where a fellow calls Cancer Research to ask them why in over 100 years they haven’t cured cancer).

With luxuries one must ask the question, “do I really need it?” If so, then buy from a small business and not from a corporate-chain, and buy from a small business that makes its own product. In fact, buying certain luxury items in that context sometimes qualifies as storing your own capital (rather than have it sit in a bank account). If buying from a corporate-chain outlet then never buy the most expensive. The aim is to bring the prices down by rendering the most expensive a white elephant in the possession of those trying to sell it (making it worthless to produce). Forced price reductions are not necessarily going to impact employment if that would be a concern; profits would undoubtedly absorb the loss, and leaving no option but to reduce corporate profits would be our objective. There also needs to be a return to a culture whereby broken luxuries are repaired, and by small business, rather than replaced by new spending.

As the name suggests, we need essentials – but where to get them from. Ideally, small business that generates its own product, but this can be expensive for people already under the cosh. At chez FBEL, the general rule when shopping in corporate-chain outlets is “if they can see us coming, then we don’t”. In this area, there are things that one can stop buying (salad bowls, for instance) in order to counter the economic weapon that is foreign labour.

Finally, bills (including debt); keep them low. This is not advice, but news as it appears to the author: there are circumstances where non payment of bills turn into toothless paper chases conducted by debt collection agencies that have no business with the bill payer unless, and only if it is volunteered.

This present article raised elements of the silent weapon system; how to counter them should be self-evident. That we should reject the corporate-media (and its supplementary alternative media) is obvious. People who are serious about fixing society should not be paying a penny to it in any of its forms. Paying the TV license should not even be countenanced. While most corporate-media “news” is propoganda and not worth having, what is essential knowledge can be found on the internet – but the user must use discernment (although the author doesn’t agree with one of his main conclusions [mainly meaning, it’s not the jews, folks {edit: 29.3.19}], “Jeff C” covers Youtube and alternative media shilling [be aware: sometimes with lots of swearing] as part of the agenda of disorientation – from a North American perspective; there is a lot of British stuff that obviously doesn’t come to his attention), and at some point too, you will understand that you have a responsibility to invest in legitimately useful information conduits. As for entertainment, theatre might be an instructive alternative to cinema, and a DVD library for home consumption have been mentioned – and additionally  can be used as a formative tool about time-displaced culture-comparison. Likewise, books should be seen as an investment, as well as a means to counter any weaponised education received. Limit how much information the corporate-government has about you – to the point of zero if possible. Home schooling is something that is going to have to grow, with like-minded families even pooling resources, to counter the poison of state education.  That sort of movement will come when people start organising together in order to support each other in their “throwing off of Babylon” – and also new people coming into the movement. Likewise, when enough people are in the movement, a counter currency can be used (why not silver if this is where people would store surplus cash rather than hold it in a bank?). Of course, the silent weapons system is designed to stymie this interactivity, and so it must be an objective. There are small groups out there, at least the author has an idea that there are, involved in giving support and advice of the type that would be required, but there doesn’t seem to be anything joined up – and there wouldn’t be under the silent weapon system. In any case, off the bat the emphasis is on individuals doing their own thing.

[Organisations can come later and organically – to start somewhere, interested readers are welcome to drop me a line by email (see the contact link at the top of the page) to get in touch and say hello.]



† That’s one objective achieved, but then there is also the “Benghazi effect”.

The following is from CNN:

On Wednesday Trump caused outrage and sparked fears of violent reprisals against Americans and US interests overseas by retweeting graphic anti-Muslim videos by an extreme far right British hate group.

The reader might remember that the killing of Ambassador Stevens in 2012 was blamed on violent reprisals caused by a film. In truth it was a State Department set-up related to the arms smuggling out of Libya into Syria. So, should we expect another development involving US mercenaries in the middle east, now all in a frenzy because of Trump’s twitter timelines?


ǂ The previous article might have given the impression that “Silent Weapons…” was written in 1979, which was only the date on the version famousl found on the copier. The content definitely suggests the 1950s – when it was supposed to have been written.

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